Any Fort Lauderdale-area business which survives a Florida hurricane knows why maintenance is essential. Proper, conscientious maintenance of your entire infrastructure — foundations, interiors, and especially your commercial roof — can be the competitive difference between surviving a hurricane and having to close your doors forever. Five reasons to consider commercial roof maintenance range all relate back to big bucks.
1 — Money in Your Pocket
You probably intend to remain in business for decades, not months. You can save money over time by investing modest amounts every year in commercial roof maintenance.
You need to connect with a savvy, reliable commercial roofer. Together you and your roofer can develop a plan that includes:
- Annual inspection
- Cleaning
- Routine maintenance
- Spot repair work
- Inspection report and recommendations
Every industrial roof is unique, so the very best commercial roofers can adjust their annual maintenance programs to match your company’s needs, budget, and roof succession plan. The money you save from annual maintenance can be squirreled away to pay for a roof replacement years in the future, holding down borrowing costs.
This is only one way you save money with routine roof maintenance of your low-slope or “flat” roof. Of course, a key to this process is to connect with the right commercial roofer.
2 — Live Long and Prosper
Most industrial and commercial roofs have lifespans of around two decades. You can get more years of useful life from your roof with regular maintenance offered by a dedicated, experienced commercial roofing contractor. The slight cost for an annual inspection and repair program can buy significant time while you prepare for roof succession.
With an extended roof life, your average yearly costs for your roof average out as far lower than the roof, say, of a competitor. This not only gives you a competitive advantage — you can steer more money into R&D or invest in updated equipment — you also hold down costs, helping your business ride out unexpected price fluctuations.
An overall lower average cost per operating year is a great reason to subscribe to commercial roof maintenance programs from your local Florida roofer.
3 — Hold That Value
Very few Florida companies use their buildings up and then cash them out for scrap value. You expect to sell your building when you decide to expand or move. Maintaining value in the building is easier if your roof is healthy.
A well-maintained, properly inspected roof protects the rest of your business. Your building stays intact, dry, and weathertight. Everything in it, then, also remains in good shape:
- Inventory
- Equipment
- Supplies
- Raw materials
A roof protected by an annual maintenance program not only helps lock in the value of your building. It reassures your employees and customers that the work environment is safe and healthy. The value of your business — to your employees, to your customers — remains high, and your costs recouped at resale can be substantial.
4 — Cut Those Bills
Energy bills stay in line, predictable, and on budget when you have a well-maintained commercial roof. Instead of debris cluttering up and degrading your roof, you have highly reflective coatings sending heat back out into the atmosphere instead of into your building. Your cooling costs stay low.
A building with adequate rooftop drainage and good insulation also dries out quickly after Florida thunderstorms. That means you do not have to worry about heat loss from water’s cooling effect or changing humidity levels. This is also true of a roof with no leaks — water entering your building can bring high humidity, a ruined roof deck, and mold or mildew.
The savings from your rooftop maintenance program can be seen in your monthly utility bills.
5 — Warranty
Though some building owners or facilities managers discount the value of their building’s roof warranty, savvy commercial building managers know the roof warranty has excellent worth. It can kick in and cover repairs or even roof replacement costs if a manufacturer’s materials are at fault.
Some warranties also cover installation and labor errors, so holding onto that roof warranty makes economic sense. Still, the warranty has limits. If you fail to provide reasonable maintenance, your warranty can be voided.
What constitutes “reasonable” upkeep? It varies by manufacturer, but your case for warranty fulfillment is far stronger when you can point to annual inspections, reports, and an ongoing relationship with your local, helpful commercial roofer.
To keep a roofing warranty intact actually costs very little, but the reward — a fully covered repair, a new roof — can be enormously valuable.
For your Fort Lauderdale business, PSI Roofing is your commercial roof’s greatest ally. We can offer your company a complete line of roofing services, including roof assets management, reroofing, and roof replacement. We specialize in expert roof repair and roof maintenance. Please contact us today to find out more about our excellent commercial roof maintenance programs and services.
By PSI Roofing